About Hardwired Learning

About Hardwired Learning

Hard Wired Learning

Hardwired Learning was born from Hard Wired Coaching, HWC works with Law Enforcement, Military Executive Leadership, Athletics, Churches, and the Film Industry. We saw a need for students to better understand themselves, how they learn, and how they could utilize this understanding as they progressed through their education and entered the working world. We feel this empowers students to be successful as they become aware of their own capacities, strengths, weaknesses, and frustrations. Hardwired Learning aims to encourage teachers and students while making the process of learning more personal and engaging.

Hardwired Learning aims to produce self empowered world changers (agents of change) who are aware of their innate and eternal value as an individual. We want to empower teachers and students to make a difference beyond their wildest dreams. We will save decades of wandering, lost and purposeless living, and unfocused perspectives.


Why The Core Values Index?

We are all exhausted by surveys that tell us what we are. Personality surveys can help gauge a person, but personality changes. Even weeks later, a personality survey like the DISC or Myers-Briggs can change as much as 30%. In the same way that you would not want a potential hires breakfast to impact your decision, we don’t want to rely on personality tests to help students understand how they learn best. At Hardwired Learning, we are interested in measuring what no one else is measuring: the part of you that doesn’t change and can’t be faked. We are after your hardwiring. The Core Values Index is the most reliable psychometrics test available with a 97.7% repeat reliability rate.