1.6 The CVI Key

The image below is a key for understanding the four core values.  Think of it as a map for the CVI.  We will explore all aspects of this map and then consider the interaction between your own core values as well as your interaction with others and their core values. 

What you see:

The title of core value for the Builder, Merchant, Innovator, and Banker. Each of these four roles has a unique and specific core value as well as something that catalyzes it.  Catalyzed means sparked or ignited. You will also see the roles team contribution, learning style, and conflict strategy.  These will be explained in detail in the coming lessons for each role.

For now, think through the graphic with your CVI in mind.  What is your top Core Value?  What does it suggest about how you learn?  What is your lowest core value? How does this learning style differ from your first core value?

Go to the Course Companion and fill out the matrix for your top two core values. Reflect for a few moments and write down your feelings, insights, and questions about what you are seeing on the key in relation to your CVI. Answer the questions below the matrix.

