2.7 Introducing the Unicorn

The Unicorn is equal in all four core values. The CVI has been around for over 34 years and millions of people have taken the CVI. At the date of publication of this course, there have only been 11 unicorn scores in total.  They are very unique. Many of you may have close to perfect squares so this overview is important to you.  We will learn about shifting a bit later but for the sake of understanding the unicorn, let’s learn a little now.

A little on shifting:

Shifting is your ability to move from one core value to the next. The closer your score is for one, the easier it is to move into the other.  The magic number is three. If your core value is 3 or less points away from your second highest core value, you can shift without trouble.

Is the Unicorn the perfect person?

The closer to an even number score you are with your CVI, the more balanced you are.  It can be argued that you even have the “perfect” CVI score.  The reason for this is because the Unicorn is able to access all four core values equally.  It is important to remember, you are never engaged in more than one core value at a time.  

The Unicorn is able to read the moment and purposely bring the right core value to bear. This means they are great at adapting, being flexible, and overcoming whatever is thrown at them. 

The other side of the story for the Unicorn is their capacity.  They do not have high capacity in any category and can often feel discontent or that they are always good but not great. Remember, according to the four P’s, a score of 18 is the highest number in Possible, but not pronounced. This individual can often feel frustrated as most people around them have higher capacities in one or more areas and they can feel overlooked or invisible.

